Associated Researchers

Dr. Philippe Colo

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Philippe Colo
Universität Bern
Länggassstrasse 49a
3012 Bern

Email: philippe.colo at

Philippe Colo is an Associate Researcher at the D-MTEC for the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics in Zurich. His main position is at the Oeschger Centre for Climate Research in Bern, Switzerland.

Fields of research:
Microeconomic Theory, Environmental Economics, Economics of Education, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science


Dr. Irina Gemmo

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HEC Montréal, CA
Assistant Professor at the Department of Finance

Member of the Retirement and Savings Institute

ETH Zurich
Associate Researcher at the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics

Research Interests
Household Finance, Risk and Insurance Economics, Financial Economics, Applied Microeconomics


Dr. Daniel Harenberg

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Oxford Economics GmbH
Marienstr. 15
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 69 967 587 29
Email at Oxford Economics: dharenberg at

Fields of research:
Macroeconomics, Computational Economics, Financial Economics, Economic Demography


Prof. Dr. Daniel Heyen

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Prof. Dr. Daniel Heyen
Chair of Environmental Economics
TU Kaiserslautern
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str., Gebäude 42
67663 Kaiserslautern

Email at TU Kaiserslautern: daniel.heyen at
Email at ETH Zurich: dheyen at

Professor at University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
Daniel Heyen is an Associate Researcher at D-MTEC for the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics at ETH Zurich. However, his main position is Professor of Environmental Economics at TU Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Fields of research

Environmental Economics, Applied Economic Theory


Prof. Dr. Bruno Lanz

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Université de Neuchâtel
Rue A.-L. Breguet 2
CH-2000 Neuchâtel

Tel.: +41 32 718 1402
Email at the University of Neuchâtel: bruno.lanz at

Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Neuchâtel

Bruno Lanz is an Associate Researcher at the M-TEC for the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics in Zurich. However, his main position is at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

Fields of research
Applied Economics; Environmental, Energy and Resource Economics; Public Economics and Regulation.


Prof. Dr. Francois Le Grand

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EMLyon Business School
23, Avenue Guy de Collongue
69134 Ecully Cedex

Tel.: +33(0)478 33 78 03
Email in France: legrand at

Assistant Professor at EMLyon Business School
Francois Le Grand is an Associate Researcher at the M-TEC for the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics in Zurich. However, his main position is Assistant Professor at EMLyon Business School in Ecully, France.

Fields of research
Applied Economic Theory, Finance, Macroeconomics.


Dr. Elias Moor

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Fields of Research
Causal Inference, Microeconometrics, Causal Machine Learning, Labor Economics


Dr. Jean-Philippe Nicolaï

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GAEL Laboratoire d'Economique
Appliquée de Grenoble
Tel: +33 4 76 74 2962

Professor of Economics

Jean-Philippe Nicolaï is an Associate Researcher at the M-TEC for the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics in Zurich. However, his main position is a Professor position at the Grenoble INP- Industrial Engineering.

Fields of Research
Environmental Economics, Industrial Organization, Regulation, Energy Economics, Development Economics


Dr. Hélène Schernberg

Executive Direktor
ETH Zurich
Risk Center


Executive Director of Risk Center ETH Zurich
I am an economist with an insurance industry background. I serve as the Executive Director of the Risk Center ( at ETH Zurich, where I also lecture in risk and insurance economics. I hold a doctorate from ETH Zurich.

Fields of Research
My research refines and uses models for intertemporal preferences under risk and applies them to real-world issues in long-term planning. The goal is to enhance our understanding of decision-making in the context of long-run risks (e.g., aging, climate change). I aim to provide insights for public policy and the development of new or improved financial or insurance products.


Dr. Lorenzo Maria Stanca

Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Turin

Assistant Professor
ETH Zurich
Associate Researcher at the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics

Research Interests
Microeconomic Theory, Decision Theory, Game Theory.


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